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Pop-Up: A Sam Brashly Thriller



Pop-Up is a suspense/thriller set along the US/Mexico border: illegal immigrants mysteriously dying, drugs and the cartel moving north, weapons and money heading south, terrorists crossing freely. Southern California gang warfare escalating. Vigilantes and white supremacists mobilizing. US president Antonio Villas, elected by fed-up voters to solve the county's problems, is in over his head. Operation Pop-Up, his top-secret effort to resolve the border conflict, fails catastrophically. Caught in the middle of the escalating border war is Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter Sam Brashly, who fights for his life and the sovereignty of the United States.


Author's Note: Unlike my previous novels, some scenes in Pop-Up contain graphic violence and language

Pop-Up: A Sam Brashly Thriller

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Pop-Up: A Sam Brashly Thriller

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