Robert Wernli Sr. is an international expert in the technology that weaves throughout his first two novels, Second Sunrise and Sunrise Cartel; his upcoming novel, Arctic Sunrise, will complete the underwater trilogy. He has chaired 20 international conferences in related technology in the U.S., Canada, Scotland, Norway, Taiwan, China and Japan. In Pop-Up, he spins off his investigative reporter in those two novels, Sam Brashly, for his own thriller along the U.S./Mexico border.
He holds mechanical engineering degrees from the University of California, Santa Barbara and San Diego State University. A former Navy qualified diver, he has spent his career developing unmanned underwater robotic vehicles and work systems. Recently retired from a Navy research center in San Diego, California, he now works as a consultant in underwater robotics and technology as president of First Centurion Enterprises.
He has co-authored two non-fiction works: a comprehensive book on CD-ROM on underwater vehicles, Operational Effectiveness of Unmanned Underwater Systems, and the recently released second edition of The ROV Manual.
He lives in San Diego, California with his wife, Beverley.