Pop-Up: A Sam Brashly Thriller
Pop-Up is a suspense/thriller set along the US/Mexico border: illegal immigrants mysteriously dying, drugs and the cartel moving north, weapons and money heading south, terrorists crossing freely. Southern California gang warfare escalating. Vigilantes and white supremacists mobilizing. US president Antonio Villas, elected by fed-up voters to solve the county's problems, is in over his head. Operation Pop-Up, his top-secret effort to resolve the border conflict, fails catastrophically. Caught in the middle of the escalating border war is Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter Sam Brashly, who fights for his life and the sovereignty of the United States.
Second Sunrise
Second Sunrise is a novel of colliding passions. A Japanese billionaire's drive for revenge will sacrifice everything, including those closest to him, to wreak both financial and physical devastation on the country that stole his life. A U.S.Olympic athlete and ocean explorer, driven to perfection, will accept no less than 'taking the gold.' When their paths cross, only one can reach victory. From sumo matches in Japan,to earthquakes in California, to hidden terror in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, this international thriller takes the reader on a roller-coaster ride. The resolution, staged on and below the ocean, where the most technologically advanced systems meet in a final gambit of death, escalates to a cataclysmic finale below the coastal waters of the western United States.
Sunrise Cartel
In Sunrise Cartel, the rematch begins! Machine vs. machine, man vs. man-wits and cunning compete in a fight to the death. Chad Donegan tried to balance his recent marriage and his desire to explore the ocean depths; what he saw on the horizon was insecurity and financial ruin. Lurking in the depths nearby was Chad's nemesis-Kenji Nomoto-waiting to attack with his technologically advanced systems. With a ship filled with students and a career-driven Washington bureaucrat, Chad and his crew find themselves once again pitted against one of the world's most ambitious and devilish opponents. Nomoto is pumping drugs into the veins of America's youth in his quest to destroy the country's next generation; Chad just wants to survive the voyage and return home to his pregnant wife. From San Diego to the Atlantic Ocean, this high-tech thriller throws Nomoto and his mole, Chad's crew, a Navy SEAL team, and all their combined technology into the ultimate underwater conflict.
Artic Sunrise
Arctic Sunrise is the third book in the Sunrise trilogy. In the first two books, it was a Japanese antagonist challenging the U.S. protagonists. In Arctic Sunrise, Japan and the U.S. players join forces to solve an escalating problem. The Law of the Sea data gathering, to be used to determine how far off shore countries can claim the mineral deposits and other resources, is coming to a head. The sooner the countries can complete the underwater surveys, often under the icecap, the sooner they can claim the resources. But someone is sabotaging these surveys. Japan has the job to replace the lost survey assets until they lose their own survey capability. Chad Donegan is asked to bring his search capability and assets to the Arctic to help the Japanese complete their efforts. He agrees, unaware of the deadly situation he and his team are entering. With the most advanced underwater technology being used to circumvent the Law of the Sea agreement, it is only a matter of time before Chad and his team are involved in a deadly underwater game of chess played below the Arctic icecap.

The ROV Manual: A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles, 2nd Ed.
ISBN-13: 978-0080982885
Written by two well-known experts in the field with input from a broad network of industry specialists, The ROV Manual, Second Edition provides a complete training and reference guide to the use of observation class ROVs for surveying, inspection, and research purposes.
This new edition has been thoroughly revised and substantially expanded, with nine new chapters, increased coverage of mid-sized ROVs, and extensive information on subsystems and enabling technologies. Useful tips are included throughout to guide users in gaining the maximum benefit from ROV technology in deep water applications.
Intended for marine and offshore engineers and technicians using ROVs, The ROV Manual, Second Edition is also suitable for use by ROV designers and project managers in client companies making use of ROV technology.
A complete user guide to observation class ROV (remotely operated vehicle) technology and underwater deployment for industrial, commercial, scientific, and recreational tasks.
Substantially expanded, with nine new chapters and a new five-part structure separating information on the industry, the vehicle, payload sensors, and other aspects.
Packed with hard-won insights and advice to help you achieve mission results quickly and efficiently.